Hey, is this Longface?
For those readers who are unaware WIDR has been in the middle of hosting an amazing Battle of the Bands over the last month, and it has been symphonic slaughter of top-notch musical groups duking it out for the top spot to play with not only Longface, but also Atsuko Chiba at Shake’s! In honor of such noble sacrifice WIDR would now like to review an album of one of the bands that so many musician put their fingers on the line for! Now let us start this wonderful Longface album entitled Hillbilly Wit.

Starting out the album is the song Crescent Moon and what a trance inducer, it teleports you into your own mind, and for me to places that remind me of happier, but far places.
Longface then proceeds to slap your subconscious back to reality with the ruckus Deep Fried American Dreams, this track is one a WIDR listener might recognize from a video recently posted on our social media.
Jumping to yet another feeling with the third track Candy Store Robbers i’m transported to a Radiohead track that I never knew I loved.
Crime Jazz batting clean up is an interesting choice, as it is again another shot at something new on this album.
Hillbilly Wit is next at 5, but easily number 2 in my heart. melancholy and bittersweet, everything that is life.
Ozone is almost as foggy as our own, but don’t let this discourage you from listening.
Howdy is has similar feeling to Deep Fried American Dreams but it takes a different approach to its breakdowns, and lyrical content.
Pace is another song that pushes the trance like effect of their style. I love the feeling of slipping away in this building ending.
Second to last Heart of Mold giving me a lot of similar Radiohead vibes, but with the beautiful vocal performance by both singers is uniquely their own, resonating through the entire track.
Finally Hornswoggled opening with a comedic sampling, or vocal performance, but followed by a song that is nothing but lyrically the best of the album in my opinion, and transitions into a hodgepodge of a finale, finishing one of my favorite albums I’ve reviewed for WIDR so far.