DJ Song Recs 9/13/23
Welcome to the first DJ Song Recommendations of the 2023-2024 school year! Read below for some of songs our DJs have on repeat and checkout the playlist to listen to them!

Poor Man’s Poison - Let’s Go!
Bronco Breakdowns w/ Zach Pryor sElf - Ordinaire
College Wave with The Voicebox
Sol ChYld - N B C
The Antisocial Happy Hour w/Danya
The LoneStars - Driving Wheel
Enter The Crypt W/Delta of Venus Lotus - Aquamarine
Renaissance Alt w/ Messenger Dove TWRP - VHS (feat. Electric Six)
Electro-Pop Therapy w/ DJ Danger Groove Katie Lynne Sharbough - Omaha (The Only What If)
Evening digest w/ Austin Vetor Shinedown - A Symptom of Being Human
Variety w/ Sydney
They Are Gutting a Body of Water - delta P
Mort's Mega Mix
Marshmallow - Flash Funk (League of Legends)
Electro City w/ Mike