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Liquor Store Review

Maggie Neuman

I’m excited to report that Remi Wolf has done it again! And by ‘it’ I mean created yet another musical masterpiece this time in the form of her new single, “Liquor Store”. I’ve shared Remi Wolf’s music with people before and I always have a hard time explaining exactly why I like her so much... but (and I feel silly saying this) it really comes down to vibes. Remi Wolf is the ultimate curator of vibes which I have felt in every single song of hers I have heard. Her lyrics are generally pretty simple, but they always act as a vessel for the vibes that the instrumentals create. I would recommend Remi any time of the year but for me, summer feels like the best time to listen to her music, which is why I was so excited for the release of “Liquor Store”. And that’s what we’re here for today, to review this fantastic single, so read on to hear my thoughts!

Like I mentioned earlier, I love Remi Wolf for her vibes and “Liquor Store” really hits different... but in the best way possible. This song has a bit of a heavier feel than most of her other music, almost like that heavy feeling from drinking too much (or so I’ve been told). The reverb-y tones feel like the unsteadiness of walking while intoxicated. Something about the lyrics in this song feel even easier to belt than some of her other songs which is saying something. I really can’t imagine anything better to yell out while drunk than “mother fucker” which “Liquor Store” delivers in spades.

I really can’t express how much I love this song and Remi Wolf as an artist overall. She makes me feel all the good feelings when I listen to her music and that’s all I could ever ask for. I can’t recommend checking her out enough and staying tuned for her upcoming album!



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