Something to Say Review

Happy summer and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH everybody! It’s such a wonderful time of year with the weather finally being warm and all of the summer music releases coming out! It being Pride Month is wonderful too of course, I can’t forget that. Speaking of summer music releases, Michaela Jaé (aka MJ Rodriguez) came out with her first single this past week! I have been following her since I started watching Pose which is when I quickly learned how talented of a singer she is. I have fallen in love with her new song, “Something to Say” and I’m here today to review that for all of you.
“Something to Say” is first and foremost a very groovy and funky, high energy song. It’s incredibly fun and great to jam to. The trumpets in combination with the groovy guitar and MJ’s beautiful harmonies make for a very Earth Wind and Fire-esque vibe (not to mention Verdine White, the bassist for Earth Wind and Fire helped write the song).
Both musically and lyrically, this song is perfect for Pride Month. It’s all about accepting yourself and coming together with those around you which is what Pride is all about. Pride is also a time of celebration and this song feels absolutely perfect to celebrate to. I really love how this song focuses so much on love and togetherness, sometimes we feel more divided than together and I really feel the love in this song.
I can’t recommend listening to “Something to Say” enough and supporting the incredible Michaela Jaé. I will definitely be staying tuned to see what awesome stuff in music she does next and I hope you do too.