WIDR's Study Tips!

During this season of Exams, it’s important to find spaces that can help you out for all those projects and tests coming up! We here at 89.1 WIDR FM have come up with a list of good resources to use for those in need of help with classes and exams.
For studying with others, there are multiple Group Study rooms in Waldo library. The Group Study rooms are:
Waldo, Room 0152-1
Waldo, Room 0152-2
Waldo, Room 0152-3
Waldo, Room 0152-4
Waldo, Room 2027
Waldo, Room 2028
Waldo, Room 2034
For math and science tutoring opportunities, the Tutoring Lab is located at Rood Hall, room 2261 and is open from 10am to 4pm on Monday through Thursday, and 11am to 2pm on Fridays.
There’s also Virtual Tutoring opportunities offered through the WMU Student Success Hub from 5pm to 9pm on Monday through Thursday.
For general studying assistance, there’s the Bronco Study Zone held in Rood Hall, room 3374 and is open from 10am to 4pm on Monday through Wednesday, 9am to 6pm on Thursday, and 9am to 1pm on Friday.
More Tutoring opportunities can be found here.
For other specific help involving your major, check out our multitude of clubs that may be able to help with your tutoring needs such as:
Physics club held in Rood Hall, room 2221, Mondays at 3:00pm
Computer Club held in Kohrman Hall, room 2225, Thursdays at 6:00pm
Accounting Club held in Schneider Hall, room 1280, Mondays at 6:30pm
Aspiring Educators of Michigan at WMU held in Sangren Hall, room 1750, Tuesdays at 6:30
More information for specific clubs can be found here.
We hope these resources can help all you listeners to ace those Exams!
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