Here at 89.1 WIDR FM we have been busy with wave one. We hope you are enjoying our new music, podcasts, stickers, logo, and radio dramas! We also had a major website revamp including a new events page.

Luckily there are still some things expected to come ashore. Mark your calendar for June 28th, when we will have a new special addition to our programing. We also will continue with new podcast episodes!
In honor of Western's 120th Birthday, we are still raising money for our promotional gear overhaul! So far we have raised enough money to purchase a tent, banner, and mic flags all customized with our new logo. We are still $320 short of our total goal, which would allow for us to get a DJ Deck for DJing in the community and at campus events. Every dollar counts, and if you are able, we would really appreciate your donations.
Wave two is expected to make landfall June 30th. Although we can't reveal anything yet, a new way to listen to your favorite source for radio evolution is visible in the distance.
We are super excited to ride all four waves this summer, and we hope you join us and stay tuned in!